Installation Guide =================== The following is a guide for setting up your own Pricebot. .. note:: Pricebots is intended to run on either Windows or Linux. Pricebots does not currently work for Mac OS. Requirements -------------- Here is a quick bullet list of things that you will need to run your bot. This guide will go over how to meet these requirements, however, it is not intended to go into every single detail. Quick List ^^^^^^^^^^ * Download Python 3.6 or greater * Create a Twitter account * Create a Twitter App * Generate Twitter API Keys * Download Chrome browser if you are running the bot on Windows, or download Chromium-browser if you are running the bot on Linux * Download the latest release of the Pricebot software * Install dependencies for running Pricebots * Configure your Pricebot * Run your Pricebot Download Python 3.6 or greater -------------------------------- In order for you to run Pricebots, you will need to install Python 3.6. You can download Python 3.6 `here `_. Create a Twitter account --------------------------- Once you have downloaded Python 3.6 you will need to create a Twitter account for your Pricebot. This is just a standard Twitter profile that you would use for a personal account. Create a Twitter App ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After you have created your Pricebot's Twitter profile, you will need to create a Twitter App for accessing your Pricebot's account. You can create your Twitter App `here `_. Generate Twitter API Keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once you have your Twitter App created and linked to your Pricebot's Twitter account, you will be able to generate API keys. From within your Twitter App dash, navigate to the ``Keys and Access Tokens``, there you will be able to generate a ``Consumer Key`` and a ``Consumer Secret`` as well as an ``Access Token`` and an ``Access Secret``. The Twitter App will allow Pricebots to access and run your Pricebot's Twitter account. The bot uses these API keys to Tweet the price automatically. .. warning:: Keep your API keys secret. If somebody has access to your keys they will be able to use your account. If you believe you may have compromised your API keys, you can regenerate them, but make sure that the keys you are giving to the bot are the same keys that you have regenerated. Chrome or Chromium -------------------- The Pricebot uses the browser to create the charts that it tweets. When creating the charts the bot expects you to have Chrome installed on Windows, or Chromium Browser installed on Linux. The Bot will not work if you are running it on a Mac. If you do not have Chrome installed then you will need it for running Pricebots. And, you will need Chromium Browser if you are running the bot on Linux. Download Pricebots -------------------- Now it is time to download Pricebots. You can download the latest release of Pricebots `here `_ Install All Dependencies for running Pricebots ------------------------------------------------------- You will need to install the following Python packages that Pricebot's depends on for creating charts and tweeting to Twitter. The following packages are: * Tweepy * Plotly * PyYAML * Requests In order to install these packages you will need to use Python's package manager ``pip``. Open the Command Terminal and enter the following commands separately: * ``pip install tweepy`` * ``pip install plotly`` * ``pip install PyYAML`` * ``pip install requests`` .. tip:: If you are having trouble installing using ``pip``, make sure that your PATH variables are set correctly. Configure your Pricebot ------------------------- After you have ``pip installed`` your dependencies, you are ready to configure your Pricebot. Open the ``config.yml`` file found in your Pricebot package using Notepad. Inside your ``config.yml`` file you should see this:: bot1: settings: 1hour: status: 24hMarketTweet coins: - coin1 api_keys: consumer_key: secret consumer_secret: secret access_key: secret access_secret: secret currencies: coin1: details: name: eth full_name: Ethereum candlesticks: duration: daily increasing_color: "#19cf86" decreasing_color: "#cf1962" bot2: settings: 1hour: status: 24hMarketTweet coins: - coin1 api_keys: consumer_key: secret consumer_secret: secret access_key: secret access_secret: secret currencies: coin1: details: name: btc full_name: Bitcoin candlesticks: duration: daily increasing_color: "#187ae7" decreasing_color: "#e78518" bot3: settings: 1hour: status: 24hMarketTweet coins: - coin1 api_keys: consumer_key: secret consumer_secret: secret access_key: secret access_secret: secret currencies: coin1: details: name: ltc full_name: Litecoin candlesticks: duration: daily increasing_color: "#5dbcd2" decreasing_color: "#d2735d" You configure the settings for your bot by modifying this configuration file. The Pricebot's software is able to run multiple instances of Twitter bots, and can tweet daily and hourly charts. You can modify the colors of the increasing and decreasing candles by changing the hexadecimal values. You will replace the words ``secret`` with the corresponding API keys that you have generated. Here is an example of a Twitter bot that tweets four charts in one tweet. The charts consist of a hourly Ethereum, daily Ethereum, hourly Bitcoin, and daily Bitcoin charts:: bot1: settings: 1hour: status: 24hMarketTweet coins: - coin1 - coin2 - coin3 - coin4 api_keys: consumer_key: secret consumer_secret: secret access_key: secret access_secret: secret currencies: coin1: details: name: eth full_name: Ethereum candlesticks: duration: daily increasing_color: "#19cf86" decreasing_color: "#cf1962" coin2: details: name: btc full_name: Bitcoin candlesticks: duration: hourly increasing_color: "#187ae7" decreasing_color: "#e78518" coin3: details: name: eth full_name: Ethereum candlesticks: duration: hourly increasing_color: "#19cf86" decreasing_color: "#cf1962" coin4: details: name: btc full_name: Bitcoin candlesticks: duration: daily increasing_color: "#187ae7" decreasing_color: "#e78518" .. note:: Since Pricebots only has support for's API, it is only able to tweet cryptocurrencies that are on See the available coins that you can tweet `here `_. Run your Pricebot ------------------- Finally, you will be able to run your bot. Open the Command Terminal and ``cd`` to your Pricebot package. Run the following command: ``python run now`` This command will immediately run your Pricebot and keep tweeting constantly about every minute. This is for testing to see if you configured your Pricebot correctly. If your bot fails to run, then please submit an issue with the error message `here `_. Otherwise, if everything looks good, then use this command to run your bot to tweet on the hour every hour: ``python run hourly`` If everything went right you should see your tweets on twitter at the start of every hour. .. note:: Pricebots uses the browser to create charts. Every time that a chart is tweeted a tab is opened and the chart gets made inside of that tab. So, Pricebots terminates the browser session 30min after every tweet in order to prevent an infinite amount of tabs from being opened. This will cause your chrome or chromium browser to close itself automatically. Therefore, it is advised that you run Pricebots on a machine that you do not use often, or that you do your browsing on a separate browser that is not Chrome or Chromium. .. centered:: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.